Saturday, January 15, 2011

Is Brandon Weeden living the definition of the dream?

Now as hard as it is for me to recognize a player at another Big-12 school (I went to CU for undergrad and Texas for Grad school), I have decided that the quarterback for the Oklahoma State Cowboys is one of the finest examples of living the dream in America.

For those of you who don't know who Brandon Weeden is, he is the red-headed step-child pictured below:
Looking at what he was able to accomplish as a first year starter, it's incredible. Here's his stats for 2010:
QB Rating: 154.1
Yards: 4,277
TDs: 34
Ints: 13

While not jaw-dropping, it's pretty impressive for a first year starter.

Now let's cover why this is more impressive: First the guy is 27 years old.....and he's a Junior in college. How did this happen? Well he played minor league baseball for 6 years after high school. Drafted by the Yankees as a pitcher in the 2nd Round (Their first pick of the '02 Draft) he received 3 year, $565,000 contract. After playing for the Yankees and Dodgers in their farm leagues for 3 years he suffered an arm injury. While this would have been it for most of us, Brandon decided to enroll at OSU and play football. After riding the bench for 2 years he started as a junior and dominated in the Big 12. He was rated as a high draft pick before deciding to return for his Senior year.

So why besides the fact that Brandon made more money when he was 18 then I have probably made in my entire life so far do I say that Weeden is living the dream? Well it's the reason behind his 4th year at Okie State. Brandon has decided to walk onto the OSU golf team (one of the top teams in the nation). He is also married to a woman who I would rate at a 12 on a scale of 10. So basically he will be spending his off season getting paid to play golf all over the United States and hiding out on the links to avoid his superhot wife.....not a bad life huh? Then next fall he'll lead the Cowboys on the gridiron with his top receiver (Justin Blackmon) returning as well. Barring any major injuries he will find himself drafted in the first 3 rounds or so next year, just in time to sign a contract and be a backup QB (the best job in the NFL) for some team before he hits 30. Oh and lets not forget that he is a 27 year old starting QB on a campus of gorgeous 18-22 year old women, not a bad place or position to be in. After playing a few years and making a few million he can retire and return to golf, and according to teammates at OSU he is going to significantly improve their team. This improvement coming from a guy who has spent the last 9 years playing professional and amateur sports which weren't golf. So needless to say we may see Brandon teeing off with Tiger in 10 years.

I don't know about you but I can't think of anyone else who is living the dream more than Brandon Weeden. Can you?

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